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Derayah, one of Saudi Arabia’s top online stock trading companies, came to us because they needed to conduct in-depth competitive analysis for their market. They had recently launched a new mobile and web app, but they were not quite able to jump to a market leadership position, and did not know why. At webkeyz we love challenges, so we turned on our investigative mindsets and set out to explore the competitive landscape.

Outward Investigation

We began the project by using our signature 3-tiered competitive analysis to study 8 local and international players in the online stock trading market.

Inward Investigation

We used a special blend of tools, including heatmaps and live usage feeds, to scrutinize how mobile and web visitors used the platforms in order to uncover hidden potential and opportunities.

Collating Findings

We knew we hit a goldmine when our competitive analysis and analytics data displayed obvious discrepancies. This gave way to the construction of a Saudi trader persona that truly reflected behaviors and motivations.

Pivoting for Growth

Our analysis lead to staggering findings that did not only address Derayah’s web and mobile platforms, but also revealed marketing gaps that called for a pivot in their market positioning strategy.